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22nd August 2005
Well, its a year since i first started doing this website and i have now become an uncle for the thrid time this year (any one would thinkI was related to rabbits!!). Congratulations to big sis Caroline and her husband Dave on the birth of their 1st son James. He joins the list of christmas and birthday presents with Georgia (sis Jen and hubby Matts daughter) and Edward (Bro Paul and heathers son)
Not much has been happening with my planned selling of house and subsequant moving abroad in search of the good life. Housing market is slow and people think its clever to try stupid bids which is really just a waste of time. I've done lots of diving recently including a trip to the Red Seaand some more in Cyprus. I have completedthe rescue diver course and am currently doing the dive master one which whenI complete will mean I'm a professional Diver :)
This Saturday sees a trip to Tallian in Estonia for Marc's stag do. Theme for the weekend is Top Gun!!
Anyway, hopefully soonI'll get the chance to post some picsfrom egypt and cyprus in the pics section.
Hope everyones well.
14th April 2005
So What's new in the world i hear you scream...well lycos is still pants after loosing half my website, then loosing all access to it i now cannot edit it using their software. I now have to copy the coding to notepad, edit it in html then save it and upload it to site, talk about ball ache!! Things new in the world are.... Edwards now almost 8mnths old, Jen had a little girl 11 weeks ago called Georgia, caroline is expecting in August and Sarah's just got engaged, so I'm the only one with nothing exciting going on, especially as I turned 30 in January. Other bits of news....Evil Matty has just turned 27 and above's a mug shot of him this time last year at a surprise (spiderman themed) party on the roof top in Sydney (wow that was a year ago???), Amanda from london married kiwi steve and is/was expecting (as may have dropped now), christine also turned 30 this year so i'm not the only one. I'm also trying to sell my house so i can try moving to nz or oz. Otherwise things are nice and quiet so until next time,
'Be Cool' :)
22nd September 2004
Wow doesn't time fly when your having fun!! Its almost a month since i last updated you on where i was. Well I am now in Aukland (north island) and its raining. So what have i been upto , well i gave up on the idea of temping as was far better just seeing the sights and playing chess with huge chess pieces in the cathedral square in Christchurch. The weather in Christchurch has been very nice with warm sunny days that feel like a british summer!! I\'m in Aukland for a week before I head off to LA where I will be for a week, returning to the UK on the 4th October. Hopefully I will be able to get some pictures on this site soon as I won't have to rely on internet cafes to admin this site!!
Until then
Keep safe :)
28th August 2004
Hi all from sunny but very cold New Zealand. As you can see from the picture above I am now officially OLD!!! (and an uncle)
So far i've been to Christchurch, queenstown, Wanaka and all along the west coast. I've been walking on the Fox glacier, had a dip in some thermal pools which were 41 degrees C whilst being outside in temps of around 6 degrees. Really cool sitting there feeling hot with the mountains in background covered in snow. In Christchurch i've done a lord of the rings tour and jet boating on the shotover jetboat. Really good fun but very cold.

I've spent the last few days roughing it in a campervan but now i've got to go looking for work so until i have some money it's off to christcurch to do some temping.
22nd September 2004
Wow doesn't time fly when your having fun!! Its almost a month since i last updated you on where i was. Well I am now in Aukland (north island) and its raining. So what have i been upto , well i gave up on the idea of temping as was far better just seeing the sights and playing chess with huge chess pieces in the cathedral square in Christchurch. The weather in Christchurch has been very nice with warm sunny days that feel like a british summer!! I'm in Aukland for a week before I head off to LA where I will be for a week, returning to the UK on the 4th October. Hopefully I will be able to get some pictures on this site soon as I won't have to rely on internet cafes to admin this site!! Until then Keep safe :)
28th August 2004
Hi all from sunny but very cold New Zealand. As you can see from the picture above I am now officially OLD!!! (and an uncle) So far i've been to Christchurch, queenstown, Wanaka and all along the west coast. I've been walking on the Fox glacier, had a dip in some thermal pools which were 41 degrees C whilst being outside in temps of around 6 degrees. Really cool sitting there feeling hot with the mountains in background covered in snow. In Christchurch i've done a lord of the rings tour and jet boating on the shotover jetboat. Really good fun but very cold. I've spent the last few days roughing it in a campervan but now i've got to go looking for work so until i have some money it's off to christcurch to do some temping.
17th August 2004
Ok, the last two weeks has shown me alot of the country as I have travelled from Darwin to Alice Springs and then to Melbourne. My last day in Darwin was spent deep sea fishing where i caught (and ate) a 9kg jewfish and a 9kg golden snapper as well as some smaller fish like stirpies, and a 1mtr long bronze whaler shark. The next three days were then spent driving down to Alice on roads with no speed limit! This would have made for fun fast driving with no worries from the boys in blue (or green or what ever colour they decide to look nice in!!). The only problem was the mode of transport. We got a relocation deal from Apollo which saw us having to pay $4 + fuel costs over $150 (ie they paid us $150 for fuel). The draw backs were we had only 3 days to do it (no probs if you have no speed limits) and 1800km. Alice is 1500km which means not much de-touring. The only other drawback was it was a 3 berth motor home which wouldn't do over 120kmph so long driving stints were nessesary. We stoped at katherine gorge and had a canoe through rapids and got wet. Next stop was Daly Waters which boasts a pub and not much else. The entertainment at the pub was excellent and a must for anyone going through that way. The third night saw a sunset at devils marbles before staying in tennants creek and the final 600km drive to Alice Springs. Next activity was a 3 day tour of the Olgas (kita Tjulu i think), Ayers Rock (Uluru) and Kings canyon. The Olgas had some very nice views and was not to hard a trek before we headed to the resort to see sunset. The sunset was a bit dissapointing as we were too far out and at the worng angle to get the best views but the view of the stars and the milky way was excellent. 1st camp saw most of us get our initiation into swags. These are matresses with a hessian pouch which you sleep inside in your sleeping bag. This is supposed to help keep you warm but not much. Day 2 saw a climb to the top of Uluru which was quite steep and very windy, then a walk around part of the base to see rock art before a long drive to kings canyon. There we made camp again and made damper bread which is a bit like a scone. The night was a bit warmer (+1 degree on night before!) and a lie in until 7am. Then it was a nice 7km walk around the top of kings canyon before the 5 hr return drive home. This brings me upto date and a quick visit to Melbourne, home to neighbours. Last night saw a quiz night at the Elephant and Wheelbarrow pub where you get to meet three of the cast from neighbours. We had Toady, stuart and izzy as well as Dr Karl Kennedy and his band. Tomorrow will see a trip along the great ocean road before catching a flight on thrusday to Christchurch in New Zealand. So Farewell to Australia (for now) and watch out Kiwis...here comes another POME!!
3rd August 2004
Welcome to Darwin. Can you guess who it was named after?!? After a nice relaxing week in Cairns where I went to Fitzroy Island and saw a large turtle, it was time to cram eveything i have into my bags and catch a plane to Darwin. I wish they'd invent a bag like the tardis because trying to fit everything in is impossible! Weather here (just to make you all sick) is 30 degrees and sunny all day long. Emma's friend Emilie arrived here at the same time so they are now shopping, going to Kakadu and giving me some peace and quiet ;) Nothing else happening except relaxing and getting ready for the trip down to Alice Springs and Uluru.
22nd July 2004
Ok, now that I have reached some form of civilisation and pc's that actually are faster at sending mail than if I walked it there myself on foot.... Today has seen a nice drive through cairns (where we collected our passports and tickets that were left in Byron Bay!!) and on to Port Douglas. So where was I in telling you all about my travels recently...oh yes Fraser Island. After returning to Hervey Bay and staying the night there it was another long drive to Mackay where we stayed overnight before heading on another lengthy drive to Airlie Beach on friday where we boarded the Anaconda III in th evening and set sail to the whitsunday Isles. The 1st day saw us spend the morning on whitehaven beach where the sand is 80% pure silica meaning it reflects 90% of the sun and stays 17degrees C. The only problem with this is that it must have been made by a certain beer company as the sun reaches parts that other beaches doesnt. This involves liberal use of sunscreen :) That afternoon saw us arrive at Luncheon Bay where the 1st round of diving took place. There were plenty of fish and coral around and the second dive here was done just after the sun set so it was pitch black. Very surreal and calming even though sharks usually are more active and fed during the night! Next morning saw us take a trip to the outer reef and a place called Bait reef. The coral and fish here were far more spectacular than on the fringing reef the day before and I took some pictures of us all diving and some of the life there. The trip to and from the reef were very rough and several people were sick due to the 20-25 foot swells we encountered. That afternoon saw us in blue pearl bay which was nice and calm and the following morning saw the fourth and final dive. Thistime the dive site was called the maze which was a series of bommies (underwater rocks) that you can swim around and it forms a maze like structure. Again saw plenty of fish including Nemo and his dad. Once back in port that only left the after trip party and sleep before heading off north again past magnetic Island and on to Mission beach. Mission beach is very quiet and nice, there's no mobile phone reception (emma!) the local wildlife that you are meant to slow down for and see are cassawaries which like everywhere else I've been far I didn't see or runover! After two nights here it was off again this time passing through Cairns, which I will return to next week, and on to Port Douglas. Here I have spent 30mins today hacking at a coconut to get to the shell with car keys on the beach, then 10mins with saw on pen knife to open the nut. The result was worth it as the coconut is very nice. Tomorrow sees a trip to Cape Tribulation before returning the car on sunday in Cairns.
10th July 2004
Hi all from Mooloolaba. Where you shout!! Well its a small place on the coast north of brisbane and around 40km from the Australian Zoo where that lovable Steve Irwin tries to feed his kid to crocs. (if only they'd had crocs when I worked in Tesco on a saturday afternoon and school holidays!!)

Brisbane was as to be expected...just another city only not as nice as Sydney. Surfers Paradise was the liveliest place we've stopped at so far and the food portions at charlies are huge. i did some camera work for emma as she interviewed some people for her project.
Hopefully the weather will be good tomorrow so i can go see zoo before we head up coast to nossa heads and then on to Fraser Island.
7th July 2004
Ok, so where am I now I hear you all screaming, well on Friday I had my last night in Glebe (sydney) which saw plenty of drinking to comiserate (or maybe celebrate) my leaving!!! 1st stop was for two nights at the dolphin Lodge hostel in Forster (pronounced foster!) which was tiny and deserted so quite nice. Went out on a boat to see dolphins and also got to see some humpback whales which are migrating up the coast. Also went snorkelling with emmaand saw a few rays as well as the usual prefusion of fish. Next stop over was Port Macquarie which is where I have decided I want to move to when I come over here tostay forever! Saw My 1st copper snake lying on the path which I almost stood on and more dolphins and whales.Went horse riding which is my 4th time ever and even managed a canter which was much nicer than a trot even if i did sound like a smurf afterwards! Visited the Billabong Koala centre and got to stroke a koala. My god they smell!!! Last night saw a stop in Coffs Harbour which was scenic. After hiking up muttonbird Island (to see more whales!) and watching two hawks hovering and killing little things it was time to set off again. So here I am tonight in Byron Bay contemplating some diving tomorrow and a bit more snorkelling. Emma decided she needed clensing so stood in a lake near here that is tainted by tannins from tea trees. Personally i still think her feet smell ;)
(em- how rude!!!)
Plan for next few days is diving here then up to surfers paradise before heading towards brisbane and then fraser Island.
26th June 2004
This weekend has seen a trip to the Blue Mountains which is approx 1 hour west of sydney. Places of interest that were visited were the three sisters (look just like my sisters as well!), Katoomba Falls, and a 3 hour trek to see the Red Hand caves. The trek proved to be a pain as the tracks weren't signed so you walked for an hour and a half not knowing if you're going in the right direction. after going for 1.25 hours we had to turn back or risk trying to make our way back in the dark! The views remind me of South Africa with huge expanses of un-populated land and breath taking scenery. Anyone visiting Australia should spend a few days here. Also did the Bondi to Coogee walk but in reverse!

Other news.....well england are crap at rugby test and taking penalties but whats new there. Hopefully the aussies, kiwis and scots will realise that we just don't care about trivial games like this. World cupsare all we yearn for and the chances of any of them attaining one of those is aslikely asTim Henman winning Wimbledon.
21st June 2004
Well over the last two weeks not much happening other than its gotten colder (15 degrees) and emma arrived. Have been through botanical gardens and seen hundreds of huge bats, gone to top of centerpoint tower (250ft up) and now looking for a car to carry me north to the sunshine of cairns.
Karl Reading still hasn't got his site with the pictures up yet, so if anyone out there knows him, give him a prod pls.
4th June 2004
Sydney leg of the olympic tourch relay started today with over 149 (mostly unknown to me) Australian atheletes running about 400meters each!
Weather here is sunny and around the 20 degrees mark which is not bad for winter.
Pictures of my trip around South Africa should be on karls websitein the next three to four days so keep checking his site from the link provided.

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